Big Bike Revival 2017

Sunday seen our last guided cycle and confidence building rides of the year with Clyde Activity Bikes. 8 guided cycles and 2 confidence building rides where done leaving from The Hub. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Stevie and the team and look forward to making some plans for next year! 

If you would like more information on Clyde Activity Bikes then head over to their Website or Facebook page. 

If you still want to be involved in a great cycling project then why not contact Stuart and Kieran at Inverclyde Community Development Trust

Community Tracks Inverclyde aims to establish an active travel hub within Inverclyde and is a joint Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) and Smarter Choices Smarter, Places (SCSP) programme in partnership with Inverclyde Council and the Scottish Government 

The project will develop skills, reduce waste and promote social inclusion in the area through cycle training classes, bike repair workshops, bike recycling, cycling outreach work with key groups and by creating social cycling opportunities for local people.

If you are keen to find out more then follow the link here. 

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Clyde Coast Strathspey and Reel Society Evening at The Hub


Our Knit and Knatters Yarn Storming Inverclyde!!!