A Spring Update From Blooming Inverkip
We caught up with Bob from Blooming Inverkip recently, and he gave us this update to give you all:
“Such a nice day to get out for a walk and start to see the Garden come to life! The sun was out , seen a few bees, the crocus are out , the daffodils are coming through. Spring is one of our favourite times of the year.
You can almost watch the change that is around the corner occurring before your very eyes. If you are out for a walk at the Inverkip Hub, take a minute to take in the changing season.
Take a bit of fresh air and some garden magic away with you and know that hope is there and change is on the way 💐🌷🌸🌹🌺🌼🥀🌻”
Thanks Bob! The gardens are looking fantastic.
Quick Update!
Just a quick update from Kevin, Martin, and the Board at the Hub:
We are keeping up to date with all government announcements and covid-19 regulations, and will open as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the mean time, we wanted to let you know that we are still working behind the scenes to do our best to help the community, in partnership with organisations like Compassionate Inverclyde, to deliver Back Home Boxes to those who are in need, and are taking this time to complete essential works to our hall, The Cliff Lyons Hall.
A Christmas Message From Us To You
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, from all of us at the Hub 🎅🎅🎅
A Big Thank You - Christmas Event Update
A great BIG thank you to everyone who collected their Movie Bag - all 100 bags given out
A great BIG thank you to all the boys and girls who took part in the festive treasure hunt - again over 100
A great BIG thank you to Callum and Caitlin and all the Ardgowan Explorer Unit Scouts for organising the treasure hunt
A great BIG thank you from everyone at the hub for the support we get from the community . Have a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2021.
Christmas Events!
As we can’t host our usual Christmas Events at the moment, the team at the Hub have been busying coming up with plans for safe and socially distanced Christmas Activities.
Details can be found in the event section of our website, but our highlights of the festive season can be found below!

Inverkip and Wemyss Bay Community Council have created a ‘Nordic Gnome Trail’, with Gnomes hidden in and around Inverkip and Wemyss Bay, just waiting to be found!
Kevin, Martin and the team at the Hub have created Cinema Goody Bags with popcorn and much more, so you can watch a Christmas Film with us on Christmas Eve, from the comfort of your own homes!
Ardgowan Explorer Unit has created a Festive Trail for you to explore Inverkip, finding each of the Festive Characters and noting down their location on the way, with a Selection Box for everyone who takes part!
Our friends over at Wemyss Bay Community Centre have set up a similar walking trail, to see if you can find and name all of Rudoplh’s friends!
Christmas Tree is Lit!
The Christmas Tree has been lit, and looks fantastic. Whilst we couldn’t have our usual event, with lots of people coming down to watch the tree light up, Inverclyde Council did do a virtual ‘switch on’ event which you can watch on youtube. You can spot our Christmas Tree lighting up at 15:12 in the video!
Feel free to come down to the Hub to see the tree, and have a wonder around the fantastically festive gardens, decorated by the folks of Blooming Inverkip.
We’ll be back soon to give you an update on all the festive events we have planned for the next few weeks!
Quick Covid Update From Kevin
During current level three restrictions the only groups and activities on at the hub are as follows:
slimming world
flu vaccinations by appointment only
kids football bookings phone hub for availability
LJ Dance children’s dance class
Exciting News from Inverclyde Libraries
We are re-opening Inverkip and Wemyss Bay Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from next week for Connect and Collect only. The Library will be open from 1-4pm.
Order before visiting, from 1pm on Tuesday on 01475 715676 .
We can't wait to welcome you back!
Remember you can find up to date information on the libraries opening times here!
A Busy and Beautiful Summer
Inverkip Community Hub and the wider village of Inverkip has been looking beautiful over the past few months, thanks to the hard work of Blooming Inverkip, the mysterious wool bombers and all the people who took part in Blooming Inverkip’s Best Planter Competition 2020.
Many congratulations to the winner Kaitlyn McCready! Read more about the fantastic work of Blooming Inverkip on Keep Scotland Beautiful’s website!
Thank you to Blooming Inverkip for keeping the Hub looking so smart, and a big thank you to everyone who took part!

Back Home Boxes and Food for those in need
Inverkip hub are still providing back home boxes from Compassionate Inverclyde and also have a wide range of food and stock available for pick up or local delivery for people in the community who are in need.
Anyone who is shielding or is in the high risk catagory and have been isolating.. Volunteers or neighbours who are looking after anyone in need can also utilise this service.
Pick up from the hub accessing through the side door Monday to Friday 11am to 1"30 pm or call the hub and we will try and arrange delivery where possible.
Call Kevin or Martin for further information or if there is something else we may be able to provide.
A Statement From The Board of Trustees Regarding Covid-19
Statement from the Board of Trustees for Inverkip Community Initiative
"The Inverkip Community Initiative (ICI) is committed to the health and safety of our employees, volunteers and members of the public. In response to the current situation surrounding COVID-19 the Board of the ICI is asking all members of the public to follow the current guidance issued by the government which can be accessed here: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/ and also https://www.nhsinform.scot/.../infec.../coronavirus-covid-19
Currently we will not be accepting any further bookings, and all current groups and parties are cancelled. We apologise for all inconvenience caused.
The library, which is operated by Inverclyde Council, is now also closed.
We are exploring ways in which we can help our community, and are happy to work with Inverclyde Council and other partners to support our community at this time.
This will include participating in Inverclyde Council's plan to ensure that all children entitled to a free school meal will be able to access one. Information on this can be found here: https://www.inverclyde.gov.uk/.../inverclyde-free-school... Parents of children entitled to a free school meal should have received a letter saying where to pick up the packed lunches, and Inverkip Community Hub is happy to be one of these venues, and to help our community in any way we can.
As the situation evolves we will react to the guidance of the government, the NHS and Inverclyde Council, and ask that you do the same.
Any further updates and information will be shared on this page.
Again, apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you. We hope to see you all again soon, please stay safe and follow government advice!"
Christmas Lights Switch On
Another great Christmas light switch on!
A big thank you to everyone who came along, it was such a great start to the festive season!
CVS Reach Awards
We are going to the CVS Reach for the Stars awards tonight at the waterfront cinema!
Fingers crossed for our volunteers who are up for an award!
Update From Kevin: We didn’t win, but we did get a big certificate and a gift voucher! Well done to all involved!
We Need Your Views...... Your experience of using The HUB
Here at The Hub we continually strive for great customer service and are keen to improve the quality of the services/classes/programmes we provide and ensure that we are delivering value. In order for us to achieve this, we need to understand your views.
Please help us out by feeding back to us your experiences of using our facility or what you want out of the services we provide by completing our Survey and answering our 9 quick questions.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Sarah Jane Gregson
Inverkip Community Initiative Chairperson
Inverkip Community Initiative - A bit about us......
Inverkip Community Initiative was set up as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) in October 2013 to establish, manage and maintain a new community hub for the benefit of the local community and surrounding areas. The organisation is a registered charity with the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator.
The Hub was opened in January 2017 with the objective of providing and improving services and facilities at a level which meets the needs of the community. The Hub’s facilities create opportunities for learning, sporting, health recreational and social activities and ultimately improve the quality of life and health and wellbeing of local residents.
The building has been designed for multi-purpose use with all facilities available on one level. The accommodation comprises -
A Multi-Purpose Hall
A Kitchen – the kitchen provides catering facilities for community centre users and for any community events taking place in the centre. It does not operate on a commercial basis however and as such is not regarded as a major source of income generation for the Community Facility.
A meeting room which can be used for either group or private meetings
A library
A Training Room
A 3G outdoor 5 a-side football pitch
A community garden area
Toilet facilities including disabled access
A very generous donation from a local resident has enabled Inverkip Community Initiative to install high quality sound, lighting and projection equipment, as well as retractable seating for approx. 100 people. This we believe has given us a unique selling point regarding lets for the main hall. This provides a great deal of flexibility in the use of the hall e.g. cinema evenings, conferences, theatre, music and variety shows, as well as dances, parties and other events.
The following is a list of the current groups/activities in place -
Children’s Parties
Fitness Classes
Adult Parties
Fundraising Events
Children’s Dance Classes
Martial Arts
Art Group
Cinema Events
Knit & Natter Group
Committee/Group Meetings
Zumba Dancing
Toddler Groups
Adult Soccer
Hatha Yoga
Slimming Classes
Youth Soccer
Boogie Bugs
Walking Football (Ladies & Gents)
Table Tennis Club
Library Book Bug
Bike Project/Group
Guitar Lessons
Youth Drop In
Tai Chi
Paranormal Studies
The facilities are also used by local organisations for meetings, training workshops and conferences as well as, local councillors for surgeries, Inverkip Day Care (Inverclyde Council), Inverclyde Council Adult Education Classes, and Inverclyde Carers Centre.
The library, run by Inverclyde Council has proved very successful with footfall continuing to rise on a monthly basis. Since opening, numbers have doubled from the previous library location. Current monthly average is around 900 books issued and 1000 visitors per month.
The community facility is available for use 7 days per week between the hours of 9am and 10pm.
The Hub is governed by a Board of Trustees (currently 12), who meet every six weeks. A full time Manager is in place with 3 part time staff supporting him to run and operate the facility on a daily basis.
As with other charitable organisations, the Inverkip Hub relies very much on the support of volunteers. All volunteers will be put through Induction training and will receive specific training relevant to the position they take up. Any other training courses required will be funded by Inverkip Community Initiative.
If you are interested in volunteering with ourselves, please contact the Hub Manager, Kevin Rodgers at 01475 520740 or by email at kevin@inverkiphub.org.uk
Inverkip Community Hub, Kip Park, Main Street, PA160FZ
Charity Number – SC044383