1 Year Anniversary Celebrations!!!
October marks the 1 year anniversary of our Manager Kevin being in post here at The Hub. The board wanted to thank him for all his hard work and dedication over the last year so surprised him with a cake to celebrate. Kevin is well known and has had a long career in the community, managing Branchton for 13 years and then going on to work at the iZone with CLD (Community Learning & Development). We are lucky to have him managing The Hub and bringing all of his knowledge and expertise with him. It has been a great year so far and we thank him for all the support he has given the board and the energy and enthusiasm he has had for making The Hub, the welcoming and community friendly space that it is. His contribution is invaluable and makes our jobs as Trustees all the easier. So thank you Kevin for doing an amazing job!!!
The Centre will be open 1 year in January and we will be looking to have a community celebration to mark the occasion. If you have any ideas or willing to help out in the planning then please do get in touch 😊